Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jee preached against many Hindu traditions which he felt were dogmatic and oppressive. These included traditions such as idol worship, caste by birth, the exclusion of females from the study of Vedas. His main message was for Hindus to go back to the roots of their religion, which are the Vedas. The word VEDA means "knowledge". It is God's knowledge, and therefore pure and perfect. This transcendent and heavenly knowledge embraces the fundamental principles of all the sciences. These principles God revealed in two ways: (1) in the form of the four VEDAS and (2) in the form of the world of nature, which was created according to the principles laid down in the VEDAS.
Maharashi Dayanand Smarak Trust, Tankara, 363650, Dist. Rajkot (Gujarat) INDIA
Secretary, Maharashi Dayanand Saraswati Samark Trust Tankara
Arya Samaj ( Anarkali) Mandir Marg, New Delhi-110001, tankarasamachar@gmail.com